Windows 10 에서 제공되는 Edge 브라우져를 사용하면 위와 같은 이미지를 종종 볼 수 있습니다.
Edge 브라이져에서 제공되지 않는 기능이 포함된 웹사이트를 이용할 경우,
"이 웹 사이트에는 Internet Explorer가 필요함" 이란 메시지가 노출됩니다.
1. 노출 이유
- Microsoft에서 관리하는 Compatibility View List에 해당 사이트가 포함되어 있을 겨우, 메시지가 노출됩니다.
Why is a site added to the CV List? We only add a site to the Compatibility View List when the site: * Is designed to run in an older version of Internet Explorer * Doesn't run well in Edge mode. * Doesn't declare an "X-UA-Compatible-" meta tag or header
2. Compatibility View List 포함 / 제거 요청
- "이 웹 사이트에는 Internet Explorer가 필요함" 메세지를 노출하기 위해서는 Compatibility View List에 포함을 요청해야 하며,
노출을 제거하기 위해서는 Compatibility View List에서 제외해 달라는 요청을 해야 합니다.
Lastly, email with the following information and ask that your site be removed from either the IE or MS Edge CV List when your updates are live on the web:
Owner Name
Corporate Title
Email Address
Telephone Number
Company Name
Street Address
Website Address
Target platform (Desktop, Phone, Xbox)
CV List(s) from which the website is to be removed.
Microsoft will review the provided information and remove your site from the Compatibility View List at the next scheduled list update.
Websites that are designed for older versions of Windows Internet Explorer don't always display as expected in the current version. We addressed this in Windows Internet Explorer 8 by adding the Compatibility View function that allows users to "revert" to a previous browser version.
Examples of incompatibility issues that are addressed by Compatibility View include incorrect browser or feature detection. Today many sites use browser detection instead of feature and behavior detection to give Internet Explorer (IE) markup that is not interoperable with modern web standards.This can result in major functionality breaks on sites when rendered in newer versions of IE.
Compatibility View allows content designed for older web browsers to render well in newer versions of Internet Explorer. The Compatibility View (CV) List automatically displays the content of websites in Compatibility View without further interaction.
Why is a site added to the CV List?
We only add a site to the Compatibility View List when the site:
Is designed to run in an older version of Internet Explorer
Doesn't run well in Edge mode.
Doesn't declare an "X-UA-Compatible-" meta tag or header
Updating the CV List
The CV List is an XML file on "". We can update the list monthly, which means we can accommodate site developer requests to remove updated sites. Users automatically get updates.
In order to continue to reduce the size of the CV List, we encourage site developers to update their sites and serve the same markup they use with other browsers. At a minimum, sites should take advantage of the "X-UA-Compatible-" meta tag to specify a legacy document mode until the site is updated.
Steps to remove your site from the IE CV List
Verify that your site works well in in the latest web standards or Edge mode. Start by turning off compatibility mode in IE before navigating to your website so that compatibility issues will appear. Do this by clearing the Use Microsoft Compatibility Lists check box in the Compatibility View Settings dialog box (ALT key to show menus -> select Tools -> select Compatibility View settings).
Look for any compatibility issue on your website. You can also use the F12 developer tools to resolve any compatibility issues.
Please note, the ability to add sites to a user’s local CV list has been removed from Microsoft Edge. You can stop using the CV list entirely by going to about:flags in the address bar and unchecking Use Microsoft compatibility lists
The next step is to see if your website is on the CV list. Check the Internet Explorer CV List(s) to see if your site is on one of these lists:
These are the lists IE uses to determine whether to render the website in compatibility mode.
Microsoft Edge
MS Edge has removed legacy IE technologies like ActiveX controls, Toolbars, BHOs, Vbscript, etc. If your site relies on these controls, you should:
Investigate moving away from these controls as much as possible. For video, please see the MS Edge Blog “Moving to HTML5 Premium Media”
Communicate to your users how they can continue to use your website. For instance, Our site is currently testing the new Microsoft Edge browser. Until our tests are complete, it may not function correctly. Please continue to use Internet Explorer until we are done with our testing and provide a notice of compatibility
Lastly, email with the following information and ask that your site be removed from either the IE or MS Edge CV List when your updates are live on the web:
Owner Name
Corporate Title
Email Address
Telephone Number
Company Name
Street Address
Website Address
Target platform (Desktop, Phone, Xbox)
CV List(s) from which the website is to be removed.
Microsoft will review the provided information and remove your site from the Compatibility View List at the next scheduled list update.